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Central America is the central geographic region of the Americas. It is variably defined either as being a region of the Americas in its own right or as the southern portion of North America. Physiographically, Central America is a tropical isthmus that connects North and South America. It includes 7 countries and many small offshore islands. Overall, the land is fertile and rugged, and dominated through its heart by a string of volcanic mountain ranges with a few active volcanos.

Sucre is the constitutional capital of Bolivia, seat of the Supreme Court  and capital of the Chuquisaca department. It is located in the south-central part of the country, Sucre lies at an altitude of 2,800 meters. Sucre was founded under the name Ciudad de la Plata de la Nueva Toledo by Pedro de Anzures, Marques de Campo Redondo. In 1559 the Spanish King Philip II established the Audiencia de Charcas in La Plata with authority over an area which covers what are now Paraguay, southeastern Peru, Northern Chile and Argentina, and much of Bolivia.

Like some of its sister municipalities and towns, Sucre is blessed with beautiful surroundings and a unique natural setting. The picturesque scenery, the majesty of nature, the slow pace of life, and the welcoming nature of its people all combine to make this region one of the most important tourist attractions in Central America.

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